Thursday, November 4, 2021

Dear World Competition

We had a lovely range of entries for the Dear World Competition held in conjunction with Market Harborough's Speak Out Magazine. The task was to produce a creative piece of writing - 250 words max and using any form - addressed to the world.

Dear World,

Recently a lot has been happening to people around the world. Humans have changed a lot since their first steps, and I want to tell you just how much has happened. So today I am writing to you about us and the world.

Humans started off as tribes hunting and farming to survive. Soon later counties grew to power, wars started, and this was all just the start of the humans.

Billions of years later…

I look out of my window, I see humans talking, birds chattering and the beauty of the earth. I see love, I see kindness, I see forgiveness. I see hobbies and life; I see friends and family. I see the art, the beauty, the amazing creatures, and the never-ending sea. I see creativity, games, fun, smartness and the wise. I see the world and I think of the adventures, possibilities, hope, joy, and a world of differences that us people should be proud of. And I think how amazing the world is.

But then I look again…

I see fighting, a cold silence, and rubbish on the earth. I see anger, I see frustration, I see revenge. I see darkness, death, wars, and viruses. I see the factories’ pollution and the oil leaking into the endless seas. I see sadness, borders, power and the greedy. I see the world again and I think of hatred, death, broken dreams and a world where people treat others differently. And I think how cruel this world can be.

However, it could all change with just one dream.

Henry L  Y7

Dear World,

You are part of a wonderfully mysterious universe and are so beautifully formed. So perfectly symmetrical and every part of you has either land or sea. Across all seven continents, there are billions of humans and millions of species. All with bright and powerful minds.

World, you are reserved and quiet, you don’t share any secrets, nor do you let us know your opinions. For us, the inhabitants, we sometimes feel divided, full of friction or anger. Our emotions sometimes show just as they should: we cry weary tears or scream - a long and treacherous scream.

We all lead completely different life paths and come across completely different challenges and hardships. Yet one thing unites us all - and that is - that we have a place on your beautiful land.

We understand so much about the universe, yet so much is yet to be found. We understand you sit with your fellow planets and orbit the sun, with the stars and the moon glaring upon you. An astonishing scene; one full of such beauty and grace.

World, you have witnessed some of the most intelligent of mankind. And yet, there is still a question they don’t have the answer to.

World, how were you created?

For nothing is ever, infinite.

Kind regards, 

Erin H Y10    


Dear World,

you need to understand

not sit back and just demand

help those who need it most

but please, don’t forget the host

don’t watch the sea cry

because one day our planet will die

help remove the plastic bags

and stop with the unnecessary tags

does that item need a case?

because one day it’ll end up in that place

that skip that we disregard

because eco seems far too hard

just simple swaps

and well-made tops

call out the brands which kill our planet

could make a change, but how can it?

three hundred thousand tonnes a year

but to everyone, “Surely, it’ll disappear?”

maybe, one day, two hundred years on

you can finally say your old clothes are gone

but for this world, it is hard to forget

helping us in advance, only to regret

continuously giving us supplies

even while Earth gradually dies

I am almost afraid to say

it is too late to start today

my generation has known their whole life

and now we struggle against the strife

for this is no normal was

more like a daily chore

we now must act together

as our world won’t last forever

Bring closer our countries, and continents and our lives

for it’s the only way our world survives

so dear people, please understand

as Earth needs no reprimand

but simply state,

with no due hate

that we must change.

By Zara B  Year 11

A comic strip by Jack G Y7

Dear World, 

I felt I needed to write to you as it upsets me to know that some people don’t care about you. By the way, I’m Macy and I’m 11. We have amazing wildlife and beautiful scenery, but with people littering, it’s ruining the environment. Plastic and rubbish which is dropped kills millions of animals and this needs to be stopped! This problem could easily be solved if only people cared enough to dispose of their litter and recycle what they can.

You’ve suffered a pandemic these past couple of years with COVID-19 which has brought a lot of pain and grief to many people. It’s been very saddening seeing the effects this has made. So many people have helped to save lives but others do not seem to have cared.

It also distresses me to see how some people have to live in your world. Some can live in houses which cost millions of pounds, but then others don’t have a home, no food and suffer with diseases which they cannot be treated for.

In your world, every person is different but I cannot understand why some are made fun of because of the colour of their skin, the clothes they choose to wear, or what they believe in. This shouldn’t happen; each person deserves to live their own life their way.

I myself, feel very lucky in this world to have amazing friends, a loving family and to be healthy and happy. I wish everyone in the world was as lucky as me.


Macy W Year 7 

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